if i write

if i write

if i write it all down
if it falls from my head and heart and out onto my keyboard
like a steady rain onto the hot pavement in the middle of summer
if i write
about how it is all true and written in the stars, then when it comes it to be
it will feel comfortable and not sit like a nagging child in the middle of my
lap after a long day of being something that i had to be whether i felt like it or not
if i write
and see it's timeless, ageless, soulful beauty in black and white and i print it out
and hear my printer make the sounds that it does, then does that make it more real
if i write
to tell you that i mostly believe and that the naught point one percent that doubts
is that gremlin that sits inside all of us and tells us that we are not worthy of it all
that we are not worthy of a love so big that it cannot be denied or contained or shamed 
if i write
and purge myself of the mysteries of this situation and this life, then will it all be just fine
will it feel like when my sister held me the morning after yet another sleepless night in the
spare room which had held her own son for so many years
if i write
it all down
will it make the clock tick any faster to being with you for good
will it make the heartache and longing and missing any less
will it make it better, even if just for a wee bit

if i write
if i write
if i write

coming home....

coming home....

coming home
cause your t-shirt has lost your scent
that you wore just to keep me with you a bit longer
cause my hands are cold and fingers are stretched to find your skin
cause my feet need to rub something other than their own tucked in close
cause my eyes search crowds and you are never ever there
cause my lids close at night to the white of my ceiling and not your eyes in mine

coming home
cause I ramble about you to any kind soul who will listen
cause two arms aren't meant to hug their own
cause warm skin needs to feel the other,  to sweat out the hard stuff we endure
cause I am tired of being alone in a world of Noah's mighty two's
cause I feel half of what I know I can be
cause listening to our music is sweeter with you by my side

coming home
cause when you smile at me I think I might burst out of myself
and self combust into rays of light
cause your laugh is the finest song I have ever heard
coming home
cause our mutual rambling makes sense to my head
cause our sense of humor fits
cause our love has endured the miles and kilometers and
doubters and others and borders and years and lessons

coming home
cause that's where I need most to be